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Golf Course Aerial Shot

Golfing with a Purpose

Eye Drive Foundation is an Organization trying to Impact the Blind & Seeing Impaired Community through the Passion of Golf & Golfing Resources


Are you Blind or Seeing Impaired?

We have people with seeing disabilities from fully blind to cataracts playing gold with us.

Do you need help Golfing?

We have the resources to helping coach people with seeing eye disabilities understand golf

We can Help you get Started!

We have amazing connections and resources to golf equipment, tools and facilities to help teach you.

Golfing with a Purpose

Join the community of something bigger than yourself & grow the community of Blind Golf.

Our Story

One of the board members of Eye Drive, Josh, is seeing impaired and wanted to start something bigger than himself. 

Golf Shot

Our Services

Golf Course

Become a Caddy

Do you want to help in your local area? Do you want to learn what goes into teaching blind or seeing impaired students learn golf?

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